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Karthik TathiReddy
Displaying numbered markers in googlemap for the list of account addresses displayed in vf page
How to display list of account addresses in google maps using numbered markers. I need to display the list of account addresses displaying on the page using apex:repeat which is set to 6 records per page. If I click on the address field on the list of records the marker should pop up in the map. Please suggest me how I can achieve this.... Any suggestions or sample code please post your comments.
Not sure about numbers, but for the marker you should be able to use google maps JS API inside VF page and pass in Account billing address when ever user clicks on Account name via actionfunction etc.
I think I saw a post about this somewhere; let me see if I can find it.
Found it:
Author explains the code in beautiful detail. If this is what you're looking for, can I ask you to thank the original author.
I'd look at the "Find nearby" app on Github and blatantly copy what they do.
The link to the project is here:
I believe it uses "A-ZZ" (and maybe above) to "num er the pins, but that should be an easy enough change.