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when command link click inputText box value change using javascrip



when click command link or anchor link input text box value changed using javascriipt?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Here is a rough idea on developing this:


1. <apex:commandLink value="Click Me" onClick="return JSMethod();" rerender="idTextBox"/> 
2. <apex:inputText value="{!xyz}" id="newValueId"/>	(New Value from User)
3. <apex:inputText value="{!abc}" id="idTextBox"/>	(Text box whose value you want to change)
4.	<script>
		function JSMethod()
			var newValue = document.getElementById('{!$Component.newValueId}').value;
			document.getElementById('{!$Component.idTextBox}').value = newValue;


All Answers


1. Use commandLink attribute, 'onClick'.
2. Call Javascript function onClick
3. Document.getElementById(TEXTBOXID).value = NEW VALUE.
4. Rerender that block containing text box.

Hi DeepaAnika,


Thank you for replay, Please give me one example, very usefull.






Here is a rough idea on developing this:


1. <apex:commandLink value="Click Me" onClick="return JSMethod();" rerender="idTextBox"/> 
2. <apex:inputText value="{!xyz}" id="newValueId"/>	(New Value from User)
3. <apex:inputText value="{!abc}" id="idTextBox"/>	(Text box whose value you want to change)
4.	<script>
		function JSMethod()
			var newValue = document.getElementById('{!$Component.newValueId}').value;
			document.getElementById('{!$Component.idTextBox}').value = newValue;


This was selected as the best answer

Thank you DeepaAnika