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login problem

What does the message:

Your request cannot be processed at this time. The site administrator has been alerted.

after I tried to register using the default login page.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
You need to use an account id not the portal id.
You can find an example in the latest Developer Book. Take a look at the chapter 14:

All Answers

I was trying to register on the register visualforce page instead of the customer portal. Now, when I register on the customer portal, I get an email sent to the email address I entered, saying,

"iv.lotusnotesemailheader{display: none;} -->We appreciate your interest in registering for an account with xyzzy Customer Portal. However, your signup was not completed due to temporary technical reasons detailed below. Please contact the portal administrator if you have any questions.

Thank you,

xyzzy Customer Support

Unfortunately, you are ineligible for registering an account at this time."

I have enabled login for the customer portal.

Did you update the portal account ID in the SiteRegisterController?

You have to change the following line in your controller to use the id of one of your accounts:
private static Id PORTAL_ACCOUNT_ID = '001x000xxx35tPN';

I changed the line to reflect the ID on my portal Settings page. I still get the same results.
You need to use an account id not the portal id.
You can find an example in the latest Developer Book. Take a look at the chapter 14:
This was selected as the best answer
Thank you. The documentation gave a clear, easy to follow example.

Can you please provide me the latest link and chapter number ?


google The Developer's Guide to the Platform