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Making custom objects available for Customer Portal

I noticed that once i enable the Customer Portal, if I edit a custom object to make available to the portal, the checkboxes under the portal profile do not update to reflect the read/write/create/delete rights.


But if i create a new custom object, and check "make available for portal" upon creation those checkboxes are updated.


Is this just a GUI glitch??. or does this mean that the only way to make a custom object available to the portal is at the time of it's creation ??

Message Edited by FadiShami on 02-02-2009 01:14 PM
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Everything is working properly.

Standard profiles can not be updated (other than Tab settings).

You need to clone the default profile in oder to edit.

Make sure you associate this new profile with your portal and make sure you active the cloned profile for your portal (drill down to the portal settings page, click on Edit Profiles button on the Assigned profiles related list and check the Active checkbox and save) 


All Answers


Interesting - I was able to reproduce your scenario.


As a workaround, I cloned the default Customer Portal profile, granted the proper CRUD permissions, and then moved all portal users (as needed) to the new Profile. 



But this way you won't be able to login thru portal, right ??
Message Edited by FadiShami on 02-02-2009 02:50 PM

I stand corrected - you are right. I could no longer login to the Portal with my approach above.


I would log a Case with support (Setup->Help->My Cases). 


Everything is working properly.

Standard profiles can not be updated (other than Tab settings).

You need to clone the default profile in oder to edit.

Make sure you associate this new profile with your portal and make sure you active the cloned profile for your portal (drill down to the portal settings page, click on Edit Profiles button on the Assigned profiles related list and check the Active checkbox and save) 


This was selected as the best answer
Thanks Bulent. Activating the custom Profile was the step I missed.
Thanks, this worked .
Sorry to necro this thread, but was the original issue ever resolved?  I've had a similar one - I have a custom object that I now want to make available to my existing portal users, but can't seem to make it available in the custom object permissions section, even though I CAN set field level permissions and page layouts.

Here are the steps:

1- setup?application setup>create>object> click edit link of your custom object 

   a - make sure your custom object is in "Deployed" status 

   b - Make sure the "make available for portal" checkbox is checked

2- if you are using a custom profile for your portal then you should now see the custom object in the profile detail.


If you are using a standard profile for your portal then 

   a - you need to clone the default profile in oder to edit.

   b - Make sure you associate this new profile with your portal and make sure you active the cloned profile for your portal (drill down to the portal settings page, click on Edit Profiles button on the Assigned profiles related list and check the Active checkbox and save) 

Hi Bulent, thanks for the quick response.  Unfortunately, those are the steps I've followed, but no go.  I'm using the Customer Portal Manager Custom license type with a Customize profile off of that.  Plenty of other custom objects are available and fully accessible, but not this one which had been created before the profile was created but was not available to the portal at that time.
can you send me a private email with your org id, your portal name, the profile name, and the object name?