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Dashboards in sites

It seems like all the information is saying that i cannot put a dashboard into site and have users see the dashboard without logging in , but salesforce support says that i can. does anybody know how i would go about doing this ?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

They won't be graphically the same, you'll need some HTML, Javascript, and CSS knowledge to re-create them yourself.

All Answers


Dashboards aren't available to anonymous users.


You could construct your own visualforce page to show the information that you'd normally display in a salesforce dashboard as a workaround.


will it show it graphically in the same manner as a dashboad ? how would one go about something like this ? all i need is my intanet site to show the same dashboards my boss sees in salesforce,  only in the intranet, without logging into salesforce.


They won't be graphically the same, you'll need some HTML, Javascript, and CSS knowledge to re-create them yourself.

This was selected as the best answer

I was under the impression that only force platform stuff and html could be used in pages:


from sites faq:


Q: And do we have to change either jsp or asp pages to visualforce pages?

A: Yes

 Q: Can we use to create ecommerce apps/ sites like Order placement & management system

A: if it can be done via the platform (Apex, Visualforce, etc.), you should be able to do it via sites


You're correct, you can use HTML, Javascript and CSS along with Visualforce. 


Visualforce actually outputs HTML, Javascript and CSS


Oh i see, that makes sense now. sorry.



Well, this is gonna be fun....