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Chatter for VF Page

All our standard Salesforce pages have been overridden by VF pages, the issue is that for ex in accounts / contacts page which  are custom VF page we are not getting the chatter bar  (hence not able to follow accounts etc ) is there a way this can be enabled.


I was told this feature will be available in the next release , i still seem to have the same issue ? Are there any fixes for this

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Winter 11 introduced a number of Visualforce components for working with Chatter. Check out the following blog post for more information:



All Answers


Winter 11 introduced a number of Visualforce components for working with Chatter. Check out the following blog post for more information:



This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for a fast answer , but i get the following error


"ErrorError: Unknown component chatter:feedWithFollowers"


Can you provide a bit more info? Paste the Visualforce page, let me know whether Chatter is enabled in your org, what version of Salesforce you are using etc.






We are using the " Enterprise Web Services API Version 20.0", Yes chatter is enabled . The VF page is for contacts

Sample VF page

<apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="RelatedCases">
        .fewerMore { display: none;}
    <apex:detail relatedList="true" relatedListHover="true">