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Can't log in to Force Explorer (Beta)
I just installed Adobe Air and the Force Explorer (Beta). When I try to log in using my login, I get the followign error message: Login Failed: INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Yes, I have this problem too. I spoke to Salesforce support and they said they would investigate.
Any resolution on this yet?
I'm having the same issue (version .58A)
Are you running .058A BETA?
I had to upgrade to resolve this issue.
Beta can be found at:
I just updated to AIR 3.0 and installed the .058A beta and I am getting the invalid login error. Any suggestions?
I have the same problem. Cannot login.
Is this a viable tool or not?
Login failed: INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.
Hi ,
try login using your password with security token . Like for an example : 'PasswordSecurityToken ' .
Let me know , if it helps you . One more way is to try with sessionID . You can generate SessionId with this Vf page :
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" contentType="application/javascript" cache="false">
var _my_sfdcSession = "{!$Api.Session_Id}";
Best Regards,
Mayank Joshi
Thanks Mayank. That resolved my issue (add security token to the password and login)
This also resolved my problem. This should be clearly documented somewhere in the tool, as this is not intuitive.
Also having this problem, plus I don't know what the security token is nor where to enter it. Now what?
You can get your security token sent you via email through the following option in SFDC.
Click on your name>>Setup>>Personal Setup>>My Personal Information>>Reset My Security Token
Provided your user has the correct email address, you should receive an email with your new security token.
You may need to append this to your password when you log into Explorer.
Thank you, diastoria. That enabled me to log into one of our dev accounts, but not to my actual PE account. Investigating further...
New to SF.
Just installed the Force Explorer Beta 0.58A (checked for updates says none).
Username: put in the email I use for SFDC
password: same one I login to SFDC with
Client ID: what do I put here? the security token?
Environment: Production or devloper edition
Hostname: www.salesforce .com
everything else is default settings
I have tried combinations of
password: my SFDC pw
client ID: [blank]
password: my SFDC pw
client ID: security token
password: security token + my SFDC pw
client ID: [blank]
password: security token + my SFDC pw
client ID: security token
Seem no matter what combination I try, I keep getting the error:
Login failed: INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.
Very frustrating being a new developer to SF.
Haver a question about SOSL using .NET C# too but not sure where to post that inquery.
In my setup, the client id is blank.
The password is your password followed by your security token.
Thank you very much for that.
It seems that the Explorer is only for SOQL queries.
Is there a similar tool for testing out SOSL queries such as:
Hello Sheir
You could use Developer Console to run your SOSL Query . Under Developer Console ,we have a facility to Run/compile Pseudo code Or we could use Query Editor as well .
You can find Developer Console by login into your SFDC org , under your User Name (on the Top right of Window )as dropDown values ' Developer Console' Next to 'Logout' Link .
Hello everyone,
I'm just having question if we can log in to Force Explorer by OAuth tokens ? If so how do we set it ? I can get the refresh token and access token with other client ID and client secrect ID. What I don't have is username and password.
Please let me know if there is alternative options to log in.