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find Portal User in Lookup
Hi all,
is there a way to lookup for portal users vis the standard lookup dialogue?
I only retrieve standard platform users. Am i missing something?
Regards, Johannes
Hi Johannes,
I have found the same issue. It seems portal users aren't avalailable in the standard lookup.
I needed to add the user record to the contact, so I ended up using dataloader, which worked, but is not a great solution.
i created a custom object storing all the users in there, referenced their user ids and used a lookup dialogue for that then.
although my requirements changed and i don't use partner portal anymore i need this for technician names, some of them don't have a salesforce license, access via external api (php) and we need to manage them in sf ... so the need for the technician object arised ...I realize this is a year old but does anyone have an answer for why you cannot lookup Portal Users in User lookup fields for custom objects? Is there maybe a setting somewhere that allows you to see the portal users in the lookup fields?