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Salesforce Sites page delivered as a file to IE, not a page

I have created a page in Sites, it works fine in Chrome, Firefox, but in IE I get a file-download dialog. The page does not render, it appears that the browser is interpreting the HTTP Response as a file, not a page.

I suppose it could be a MIME type issue, but curious why a pretty standard page is doing this.

Any ideas?


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
It was the content type param, the dangers of copy and pasting code snippets from the forums. It was set to XML. I removed the param so it produced the document with its default mime-type and all is now working.

All Answers


This is odd. What version of IE?


Can you post sample code or a link to your site? 

It was the content type param, the dangers of copy and pasting code snippets from the forums. It was set to XML. I removed the param so it produced the document with its default mime-type and all is now working.
This was selected as the best answer