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Custom Object Chatter Feed

I am new to Apex, so my coding is terrible - I am looking for some help.  According to the Chatter code recipes, I can add a feeditem like this:

//Adding a Text post
02FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
03post.ParentId = oId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
04post.Body = 'Enter post text here';

insert post;

but, it does NOT appear to work on a custom object's feed  For example


List<Aircraft_Engine__c> Engine = New List<Aircraft_Engine__c>();
Engine = [SELECT Id from Aircraft_Engine__c where Name =: sHashtag limit 1];

Aircraft_Engine__Feed EngineFeed = new Aircraft_Engine__Feed();

EngineFeed.ParentId = 'TEST'; //HERE IS THE ERROR
EngineFeed.Body = sText;
insert EngineFeed;



the code won;t compile at the line above and has the error: "Save Error: Field is not writeable: Aircraft_Engine__Feed.ParentId


Any ideas?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I solved it myself:  You just use the FeedItem object and it places the chatter in the correct place using the parentid!