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Using REST API, how can I create an "Activity" on a "Lead"?


I can easily see how I can create, read, update, delete records on Salesforce with the REST API.

I would like to create an "Activity" on a "Lead" (for instance, to log details of a recent telephone call).

I don't immediately see how I can do this through the REST API,
... partly because I don't see a separate "Activity" object that I could first "create",
and then add to a Lead object using an "update".

Can you point me in the right direction to see how I can solve this?
I'm stuck.


thanks in advance,

  David Jones, PhD



You need to create a task (the API has Task and Event objects, these get lumped together in the UI under activities). You might want to review some of the data model docs in the web services docs if you haven't seen them yet,