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Session Time Out in Sites

'm creating different visualforce pages where i can enter the details and navigate to multiple vf pages and finally submit the details.This is inturn exposed as public( site) so that any user can access the site as Guest User and can submit the details which is stored into custom objects in salesforce.So i have a few queries over here

How do we handle session time outs ,and

How do we differentiate between different guest users.


Thanks in Advance





It is not possible to create multiple guest users in an org. In a Developer org we can create only one guest user.

Can you elaborate more about  session time outs issue. So we can resolve properly.


Hi S.Jain,


Thanks for the reply

But i dont want to create multiple guest users, i just want to differentiate between different guest users that access the site.

For instance: When more than one user uses the site and submit the details at the same time how do i differentiate the guest user or is it possible to do this?

And on Session time out--i want to know or confirm that if when a user uses the site for quite long time and finally when he is ready to submit the details the session does'nt go off.Does this happen for site


Thanks in Advance


The session timeout is not customized - you'll see the generic session timeout error when authenticating users (It doesn't show up for the guest user).


In, everybody who accesses the site is the same guest user. If you need to differentiate between users you'll need to use the built in login. 


Information on login can be found here:


Thanks Ryan-Guest :)


Hi Ryan,


I am creating Shopping Cart application, where multiple users will be choosing the products,enter details and finally submit the result.

So by doing this, will all the datas submitted by different users who access the site at the same time, be saved as different records or will there be problem while saving?


Thanks in Advance


I am trying a similar example to build an unauthenticated public shopping cart application.  It will be a public site.  I am planning to do the following


1) One controller for all the visual force pages.

2) Instance variables used to store the user selection

3) Public access settings to enable read/create access on Account std. object and order custom objects for guest profile.


By doing this whenever a user accesses the public site and does product selection, the details will be captured in instance variables in the controller and finally saved in the objects.


Is this approach viable?  What are the other options (considering that the site should be only public unauthenticated)?


Appreciate any suggestion.

Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher

You should be able to differentiate between the different sessions by using the {!$Api.Session_ID} method in your VF page.


How to Customize Site Session Timeout value?