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Is it possible to do this with sites?

Hi everyone, 


I'm currently facing a business requirement that I think it might be accomplished with sites. 


This is the part of the model involved (3 custom objects)

-  License

-  Contributor

-  Joint object (License, Contributor)


Each license might need many contributors, and each contributor might be involved in many Licenses.

Initially, each contributor is not a regular user of Salesforce (actually, he/she will only interact with salesforce to change License records linked to each of them).


I’ve thought about using sites (I’m not sure if they are called like that, but I refer to the ones that allow visualforces).


Logic would be as follows:

-  A real user of salesforce will create contributors (and store a random token that will be sent to each contributor to allow them to register).

-  One of those contributors will get into the site and click on Register. The form will ask for all the information required and the token (to check that he really is the one he claims to be). If everything goes OK, a user will be created and will be ready to log-in.

-  About security, there will be a trigger on Joint object that includes each user on License__share.


Do you think this can be done using sites (the ones that allow the use of VisualForce)?

Do you think this is the best option?

Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher

In general, I don't see any reason why Sites wouldn't work for you on this...


When you say "User" - what license type are you speaking of?  CRM/Platform/Partner/Customer/etc?




That is one of the main issues. 


In theory, each user might log-in 5 times (average), so I don't know if it would be possible to take free licenses, or pay by log-in, instead of by user, or perform a work-around using a custom object 'User2' and have lookups, etc.


What license do you think might be the proper one?


I don't think free licenses exist for a standard org.   Also I'm pretty sure creating a custom User object is forbidden by the license agreement (correct me if i'm wrong).   One solution would be to create a Customer Portal and allow registration via the site.  You can use one of the High Volume Portal User type licences for your temporary users and deactivate their license when they are no longer needed. 


Please feel free to call us to discuss a solution.