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Add uploaded document to Related Content via API

Is there any way that a document uploaded to a Content Library (using the REST API) can be associated with the Related Content list of an Account, Contact, or Opportunity record using a REST or SOAP API?





Hi Peter,


If chatter is enabled you make this association by posting on the record. 

1) Create a FeedItem

2) Type='ContentPost'

3) ParentId=<YOUR RECORD ID>

4) RelatedRecordId='<YOUR CONTENT VERSION ID>'



Eventually you'll be able to make this association directly through ContentDocumentLink without the need to feed post.






Hi James, that worked; thank you so much! The document in Salesforce Content, however, showed up in the Opportunity record’s “Google Docs, Notes, & Attachments” as opposed to “Related Content”.


Although I am actually totally happy with this (the key thing is that there is a link in the Opportunity record to the document) I
would like to ask (so I fully understand this) whether there is a possibility in the API to give the user a choice to what list the document link is added.

