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Unauthenticated Apex REST? gurus,


Are there any plans to support unauthenticated Apex REST?  We really need the ability to have outside systems post data to our customer's Salesforce accounts and those systems don't have the capability to authenticate.  So, we're basically looking for a servlet type listener.



p.s. -- we've looked at using Sites for this, but there's currently no way to access to the HTTP body of the request.


Any ideas here??


Hi there, 


You should be able to do this with sites, any parameters you send to the page you should be able to get by doing an apexpage.getParameter().get().


I've done similar things in the past this way, let me know if you need more info or something more specific.











ForceMantis (Amit Jain)ForceMantis (Amit Jain)
As suggested by Nico(watro) you can do it throught sites. There is a nice blog post (" target="_blank) by wade wegner about this. I have tried it myself and it works.