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V Anand
how to display large document in sites?
I am displaying documents in sites but large document with size 300kb not displayed in sites.
I got the error like Error: Insufficient Privileges . Small size documents are displaying perfectly but large size documents are not displaying............
How to print large size documents in sites.
my apex code is
public transient list<document> doc {get;set;} public list<document> getFile() { doc = [SELECT Id, Name, Description, ContentType, Type, Url, BodyLength, Body ,keywords FROM Document where name like 'a%']; return doc; }
<apex:dataTable value="{!file}" var="item3">
<apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!item3.Id}"> document view </apex:outputLink>
Please help me !.....
I have just the same issue...