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krishna1krishna1 dynamic data

Hi all,


   how will get the dynamic data for site and how to display the content in



Thank you.

abhishek guptaabhishek gupta



To get dynamic data from salesforce, you can use repeater element to make a connection between the salesforce object. You can use various options like filtering, sorting over the records of your objects while making connection itself.


To display the data you can use either of repeater element/ custom code/ content block/ data table etc. inside the repeater.

Using custom code or content block, you need to edit its HTML and give the field name in expression language.

i.e. {!<fieldname>}. You will get a drop down containing all the fields also.





Thank you Abhishek,


                   i am create publication tab in site. when click this tab, open 4 sub links and each sub link will get different dynamic data. each sub link open separate page in this tab. how will generate functionality .



Thank you.



An option would be to utilize Apex Classes/Visualforce/Sites to expose the data in JSON. The solution depends really on your requirements.