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Editing raw HTML code in Site.Com

As someone who is trying to port an existing site to Site.Com, there are three issues with the way Site.Com has implemented the HTML editor when editing a Custom Code element or using Edit HTML to edit a content block:


1. Word wrap is disabled by default and there is no way to turn it on. This means that long lines just extend into infinity off the right edge of the screen and one has to either scroll left and right, or manually insert hard returns in order to make text readable (not an elegant solution since the width of the HTML editor in the overlay is hard-coded to be based on the size of the underlying window, which will vary from person to person). Either make Word Wrap user-selectable, or turn it on by default.


2. There is no way to search the code in the editor. Using a browser window search only searches the underlying page content, not the contents of the editor overlay. This makes editing extended content a chore.


3. The number of spaces that TAB replaces needs to be a configurable option, not an arbitrary number.


I find myself having to copy code out of Site.Com into my own text editor to make changes and then copy it back, which is really a clumsy solution.


Thank you for sharing your input on You raise very goood points about the custom code editing tools available in We will be investing in enhancing the custom code component in the future to enable easier code editing as well as search. 


Can I suggest you post this on idea exchange as ideas for enhancement to That way, as we get to building these enhancements out, we can keep you and the broader community posted with updates and timelines.

Anthony PicaAnthony Pica

Hi Sonali!


You wrote "Can I suggest you post this on idea exchange as ideas for enhancement to That way, as we get to building these enhancements out, we can keep you and the broader community posted with updates and timelines."


Could you please have a look at:


Thank you!