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Changing the Site to which a domain name points to.

I've been told by Support that the manner in which this issue functions is by design, but it makes ZERO sense to me, and I'm hoping that someone can shed some insight.


Let's say I've published "Site A" within Site.Com at and have been working on a rebranding/reskinning using "Site B" within Site.Com. We're ready to switch to the new design.


For some inexplicable reason it's not as simple as removing the domain name from "Site A" and adding it to "Site B". For one thing, Site.Com won't let you "unpublish" a site. Once a site is published it cannot be deleted or unpublished and you have used up your publication license in perpetuity (for smaller companies that may have only one publication license, rolling out new branding is now a big problem).


If I only have one license to publish within Site.Com, the system should be smart enough to (1) not allow me to have more live sites published than I have licenses for at any time, but (2) allow me to change on the fly the site within Site.Com that is the one that is being published!


Why is this forbidden?


Since page templates, pages, and other assets cannot be copied from one site to another, if you have only 1 license, you effectively cannot ever rebrand a website within Site.Com.


Domain/site management within Site.Com is unnecessarily clumsy and poorly thought out.... unless the whole motivation is to force customers to buy extra licenses they don't really need.