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data loader through command line (java Exceptions error badpadding error)

iam workin on data loader through command line i completed 4 steps succesfully i.e.,
Step One: Create the Encryption Key
Step Two: Create the Encrypted Password
Step Three: Create the Field Mapping File
Step Four: Create the Configuration File
am getting error after this process (5th step)
In the command prompt window, enter the following command:
process.bat "<file path to process-conf.xml>" <process name>
• Replace <file path to process-conf.xml> with the path to the directory containing
• Replace <process name> with the process specified in process-conf.xml.
Your command should look something like this:
process.bat "C:\DLTest\Command Line\Config" accountInsert

here i specified path of process-conf it got error so i tried specifying path same as
above process.bat "C:\DLTest\Command Line\Config" accountInsert

sometimes it showing java exception error somtimes badpadding error
... the password encrypted through keyfile is sfdc password without token...



can any one pls resolve this problem