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Don't have an account? bugs reported 6+ months ago still not fixed.
I reported quite a few bugs with back in June and July of 2012, and spent CONSIDERABLE time working with Salesforce engineers in GoToMeeting sessions and phone calls documenting and reproducing bugs for them... and some of the most glaring bugs still have not been fixed:
1. The EditHTML overlay still does not have any word wrap, either configurable or otherwise. This makes porting content in from other platforms a MAJOR chore. The content just extends out to the right to infinity, and you have to either spend your time scrolling left-to-right, or put in hard line breaks in the content (which by the way is a very BAD idea, since everyone uses different sized browser windows, so the line lengths that work for me may not work for someone else).
2. There is no way to search the contents of that overlay; browser search only searches the underlying page.
3. There is no way to search a Site.Com instance for CSS or HTML code strings (actually, there is no way at all to search a site for anything).
4. When dragging an asset into the site and the list of files/folders is longer than the browser window is tall, there is no way to scroll up or down to get to the folder in which to place the asset. The Javascript scrolling behavior is incomplete.
There may be behind-the-scenes work that has been done on other aspects, but all the hair-pulling GUI shortcomings that make day-to-day maintenance of a full-fledged website in Site.Com outright painful are still there... for the money being charged for Site.Com it really needs to be more robust.
It's very frustrating to have seemingly wasted many hours of my time with support personnel, under the presumption that doing so would enable the bugs to be fixed, all the while paying for the "privilege"... to ultimately find that it has all amounted to naught thus far.