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Problem Deploying a FLOW


I'm trying to deploy a flow I have created and packaged (with a bunch of other stuff) into a change set. When validating in my Production Instance, I am getting the following error:


API Name        Type                                   Line                     Column                        Problem
MS_LAR           Visualforce Page                                                                                No variable named "OppID" in flow.


My flow is called from a button on the Opportunity and the Opportunity ID is passed through a visualforce page to the Flow via the OppID variable.


I have my Flow embeded in a visual force page so that I can return to a custom page called OpportunityItemManager upon completion of the flow. The Visualforce page code is:


<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" tabStyle="Opportunity">
    <flow:interview name="MSLAR" finishLocation="/apex/OpportunityItemManager?scontrolCaching=1&id={!$CurrentPage.parameters.OppID}">
        <apex:param name="OppID" value="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.OppID}"/>


The button used to call my flow from the Opportunty, has the following code:




and I've confirmed the variable exists in my Flow:

    Unique Name = OppID

    Data Type = Text

    Input/Output type = Input and Output

    Default Value =



I can't figure out why the validation is saying there is no Variable named OppID in flow?


Any help would be appreciated.



Your flow component refers to a flow which does not exist.

<flow:interview name="MSLAR"..


and it looks like the unique name of the flow is MS_LAR


Jeff BloomerJeff Bloomer

I don't know if you figured this out and didn't post your soutions, but it appears to me that you have a circular reference in this line:


<apex:param name="OppID" value="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.OppID}"/>


Your declaring your parameter name OppID and then using the same variable in your value declaration.  If I'm off base let me know, but that's my initial impression.  Hope this helps!