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Organisation Wide Default not working

Hi ,

In my developer environment, I changed the Organisation wide Default settings of a custom object by Deselecting "Grant Access using Hierarchy" and changing "Default access" to private. By doing this I assumed  the record of that object cannot be edited and saved. But its not working.

Any Suggestions ???


Thanks in advance... 


If your the System Administrator you should always have access to the data.    Try creating a standard user. 


Profile permissions may allow a user to ignore Organization Wide Defaults. In particular, View All Data and Modify All Data (either global or per-object) will grant the ability to view or edit all records globally or per-object (obviously, depending on which permissions you've set). Make sure you're using a non-System Administrator standard profile, or a custom profile that does not have those permissions set.


By having OWD as 'Private' you can create and edit the record you own that is ,for which you  are the system owner.But you cannot view records owned by other users.


Grant access using hierarchy allows you to view records not owned by you but owned by roles/users below you in hierarchy.


If you want to restrict object to be edited then you need to remove Edit permission on that object .