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Change Opportunity Owner link

Just wanted to know where I could find the link (code) to edit the "change" opportunity owner link.
There is no link or code to do that.  What exactly is your goal?

When you click the "change" button to change the opportunity owner, there are 2 checkboxes available.  I want those to automatically be defaulted to "checked" when the page appears. 

Thanks again for the help werewolf!

I don't know of any way to default those checkboxes.

Visualforce can actually handle this task. I haven't got the formatting to work correctly, but here's the basic concept:

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" standardStylesheets="true"> 
    <apex:outputLink value="/{!Opportunity.OwnerId}" target="_top">
        <apex:outputLabel value="{!Opportunity.Owner.FirstName} {!Opportunity.Owner.LastName}" />
    <apex:outputLink value="/{!Opportunity.Id}/a?retURL=%2F{!Opportunity.Id}&amp;sendMail=1"

Put this page in your organization, and add the page to your opportunity page layout (remember to adjust the height), and you're good to go. Just modify the second link to include any parameters you want (here, I included the "send notification email" box as an example).


Thanks for the code sfdcfox!  I was able to get the checkboxes defaulted to "checked".  I am still working on getting the format to work right.  I can't seem to adjust the height of the box (as you stated), but everything else works fine.

Thanks again!