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how to get the custom s-control to appear in the edit screen

I created a custom s-control a little while back. I was wondering how I can get it to appear in the edit screen.
Thank you,
Sahil Nair
Scontrols cannot appear in an edit screen, only a detail page.  Your only option to modify the edit page is to write a custom edit page in Visualforce.
Oh ok. Thanks a lot for your help. I will try back and will probably message you if I have problems.
Sahil Nair
Hi again,
Do you think you can help me modify my edit screen using visual force. The only thing I need to edit is, under a couple of fields, I want to add a note.
For example, there's a field that says ;Sales Manager Name'. I've added an s-control right below that which says "Sales Manager Name Format, Lastname, Firstname". I want to add the same thing into the edit field using visual force.
Any idea how I go about doing that?
Thank you,
Sahil Nair
Have a look at the Quick Start Tutorial here:

"Using Input Components On A Page" would be relevant.
Sorry to bother you again but could I ask you for a big favor. Could you help me write the code for customizing the edit screen under the opportunity tab. I'm having trouble with it. I just want to add a small note after salesmanager name.
Thank you,
Sahil Nair

You can post your request on Salesforce jobs board and get it done by a freelancer.

Good luck!