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Overriding Tab Views and Pulling Data from Related Objects

I think I have bee looking in the wrong place for answers... Let me toss the questions in this forum, Im running Professional Edition.

1.  I need to populate a custom Object with a contact name/address/email, the Account name and Owner and the user name. I figured the way to do this was a Button on the Related List in Contacts, I cant get any data out of contacts into the related object.

What am I doing wrong? Is is possible to pull Account and Contact field data and insert it into Lookup fields on related objects?

Can somebody please direct to some reference material or give me a clue how to make this work with S-Controls? Currently our staff has to redundatly select multiple lookup fields manually, when they should all be able to auto populate when the record is created.

2.  I want to replace a tab view with a custom search page. Is that possible in Professional with an S-Control and if so where do I start?

Thanks for any insight, I have been beating my head against a wall with these 2 issues.