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Need help to write S control that imports Oppty Product informtion into Opportunity Object
Can someone help me solve this.
I need the amount field on the opportunity object (which is a standard non-editable field) to represent a different calculated value.
I've created 2 custom fields and a button
(A) "Amount2" in the opportunity object.
(B) "Total price 2" in the opportunity product object (a custom calculation)
(C) "Update Amount 2" button in the opportunity to upload the sum of (B) into (A)
I've been playing with scontrols for a week now trying to figure out how to populate amount 2 with the sum of Totalprice 2 but it doesn't work!!!!!!! Can someone please help?
Note, I designed this to be a button/link, not an S-Control. To use it, go to Setup | App Setup | Customize | Opportunities | Buttons and Links. Choose the "Execute JavaScript" behavior when using this code. This will not be an automatic update; the user will need to click the button or link to cause the code to execute. You could make it an automatic page script, but those are annoying as they slow down the browser and are easy to accidently create infinite loops. This way, the user expects a delay while the browser calculates the new total and updates the opportunity (this normally takes 1-2 seconds, depending on the number of line items).
~ sfdcfox ~
Message Edited by sfdcfox on 08-06-2007 03:24 PM
Message Edited by sfdcfox on 08-06-2007 05:03 PM
~ sfdcfox ~
I feel so needy, wish I could solve some of this myself...
Now the pop up message says "undefined"
~ sfdcfox ~
Edit: I should mention that I do better programming AFTER my first cup of coffee.
Message Edited by sfdcfox on 08-06-2007 05:06 PM