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Office Toolkit (using the Excel connector) - objects not showing up

Is there a way to add/remove objects that are available to the client application (see below)?  We are having an issue with objects not showing up in the list, both standard and custom.


Definition below can be found here:|SkinName=webhelp


EntityNamesVariantString array containing the names of all objects that are available to the client application. Each array element represents a separate object type.

That list is subject to the user's license type and profile permissions. You can only see objects you are entitled to query on (those with at least Read access by profile or permission set). If you are using Professional Edition, make sure that the tab is not Hidden from the profile, as this automatically removes the Read attribute for that object. The same thing applies to page layouts as well. If a field or list isn't on your page layout, you can't see it through the Excel Connector either.