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Eclipse not remembering password

Hello all,


I'm using Eclipse Kepler (4.3) and have successfully installed the plugin. I could even create a project and see all the components. However, everytime I try to access a piece of code or the schema browser, I get an error saying my password is wrong.


I check on my org, and my login lists multiple failed logins for 'Invalid Password'. In my project properties on Eclipse, the password and sec token fields are empty - no matter how many times I enter it, it forgets.


If it can't remember, I expect it to atleast prompt me each time. Can something be done?




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hello LVS,


This issue happenes if the password or security token has been reset but as you said this isue is happening very frequently i think this could be the compatibility issue of the version of the IDE and eclipse.


I would suggest you get down to version eclipse 4.2 and then install IDE.

All Answers


Hello LVS,


This issue happenes if the password or security token has been reset but as you said this isue is happening very frequently i think this could be the compatibility issue of the version of the IDE and eclipse.


I would suggest you get down to version eclipse 4.2 and then install IDE.

This was selected as the best answer
Seems so. I removed Eclipse and used the IDE version. Works like a charm!

However, the option to 'show in salesforce' is not available any longer. Do you know?



To view your changes in
1) Open the file you need to save to
2) Place the cursor on the file contents
3) Right click -> Select "" -> Show in Salesforce Web



Yes. That's the option that doesn't show :(
Is that something not in the IDE version?
Hassan KhanHassan Khan
Not too sure if this has been resolved but I have found a solution for this.

Go into the Eclipse preferences and delete the values in "Secure Storage".

Select the Window/Preferences item.

Go to General/Security/Secure Storage.

Select the Contents tab.

Select Force Projects and then click the Delete button.

After restarting, IDE was able to save my passwords again.
Shiv BhadauriaShiv Bhadauria
Hi Hassan ,

Thanks a ton brother it works for me ..... :) :) :) 
Matt WhalleyMatt Whalley
Hassan, you deserve best answer on this one.  That's exactly what you nned to do if passwords are not saving in Eclipse.  Thank you.
Kruthika KsKruthika Ks
Thanks a ton Hassan Khan
Shane RossShane Ross
Yep and me
Jayesh W.Jayesh W.
Thank you Hassan, this should have been best answer.