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devendra dhakadevendra dhaka 

urgent help needed

Can I create a custom button to print a record ??


I have to allow my customers to print their records .


We can achieve this in standard salesforce layout using ' printable view '


Thanks in advance  :)



 You can create a custom button for print the current page.

Follow the below steps to create custom button on account object

1.            Setup->customize->account->Buttons and Links ->click on new

2.            Enter the label and name of the button

3.            Select Detail Page Button as display type

4.            Select onclick JavaScript as Content Source

5.            Write the following code in blank space



6.            Save the button

7.            Add the button on account page layout.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 


Tejpal KumawatTejpal Kumawat

yes  Navatar, you are Right saying it works with javaScript function "window.print();" Devendra try it...