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Setting a date field to today using an on-click javascript custom button.
Hi all -
I'm struggling with how to set a date field to today() using a custom button's on click javascript.
I'm using the button to set the value of two picklist values, set a date field to Today() and set a second date field to Today()+180.
When I first wrote it and tested it earlier in the week, it was executing but was setting the wrong dates. Today it just errors out.
{!requireScript("/soap/ajax/13.0/connection.js")} var QR= new sforce.SObject("Quote_Request__c"); = "{!Quote_Request__c.Id}"; var temp_dev_date=new Date(); temp_dev_date.setDate({!TODAY()}) var temp_val_date=new Date(); temp_val_date.setDate({!TODAY()}+180) QR.Delivered_Date__c=temp_dev_date; QR.Validity_Date__c=temp_val_date; QR.Customer_Requirements__c="Test update of auto close button."; QR.Status__c="Closed - Completed"; QR.Stage__c="Delivered"; var result = sforce.connection.update([QR]); if (result[0].getBoolean("success")) { // Refresh window window.location.reload(); } else { alert("something broke"); }
Appreciate any guidance or other approaches that could be used to accomplish this.
Hi Jeremiah,
I tried with NOW () :
Failed to create 'New Opportunity' with error: {faultcode:'soapenv:Client', faultstring:''01/07/2009 15:04' is not a valid value for the type xsd:date', }
I support you : "What's the solution ?" !!!
You can use: -
opp.CloseDate = New Date();
This will set current date to CloseDate.
I was trying to solve the same problem today, your code provided a good start for me. I ended up writing the following functions:
function fixTime(time){
if(time < 10) {time = "0" + time};
return time;
function fixDate(date){
var Month = fixTime(date.getMonth() + 1);
var Day = fixTime(date.getDate());
var UTC = date.toUTCString();
var Time = UTC.substring(UTC.indexOf(':')-2, UTC.indexOf(':')+6);
var Minutes = fixTime(date.getMinutes());
var Seconds = fixTime(date.getSeconds());
return date.getYear() + "-" + Month + "-" + Day + "T" + Time;
The date object that javascript uses has a different format than the one used by Salesforce. These functions convert the format.
QR.Delivered_Date__c= fixDate(new Date());
Here is my own solution :
function right(str, len) { return str.substring(str.length-len, str.length) } function mynow() { d = new Date(); return right("00"+d.getFullYear(), 4) + "-" + right("00"+(1+d.getMonth()), 2) + "-" + right("00"+d.getDate(), 2); // format "2009-007-02" }
Call this like this :
opp.CloseDate= mynow();
I think Salesforce requires the full four-digit year ... might want to use date.getFullYear() instead of date.getYear() as shown below.
function fixTime(time){ if(time < 10) {time = "0" + time}; return time; } function fixDate(date){ var Month = fixTime(date.getMonth() + 1); var Day = fixTime(date.getDate()); var UTC = date.toUTCString(); var Time = UTC.substring(UTC.indexOf(':')-2, UTC.indexOf(':')+6); var Minutes = fixTime(date.getMinutes()); var Seconds = fixTime(date.getSeconds()); return date.getFullYear() + "-" + Month + "-" + Day + "T" + Time; }
Hi RupB,
I ran into the same error, did you get the resolution for this?
Thanks in anticipation
I checked out your JAVA fix and noticed that it may just be the solution to this brickwall I ran into. I have the following custom button OnClick Javascript code on a sample object that should imprint both Date and Time values on a DateTime field. I did use the new Date() syntax but it only works for Date fields and not DateTime. I was wondering, how your post would fit into what I've formulated. Thanks in advance!
var v=new sforce.SObject("Opportunity");
v.JavaDateButtonTest__c="{!Opportunity.JavaDateButtonTest__c}"; = "{!Opportunity.Id}";
var date = new Date('{!TODAY()}');
I also got this from another site and I'm not sure if this is usable for what I cited above:
var today = new Date();
function fixTime(time){
if(time < 10) {time = "0" + time};
return time;
function fixDate(date){
var Month = fixTime(date.getMonth() + 1);
var Day = fixTime(date.getDate());
var UTC = date.toUTCString();
var Time = UTC.substring(UTC.indexOf(':')-2, UTC.indexOf(':')+6);
var Minutes = fixTime(date.getMinutes());
var Seconds = fixTime(date.getSeconds());
return date.getFullYear() + "-" + Month + "-" + Day + "T" + Time;
postObj.Accept_Time__c = fixDate(today);
The below code snipper considers the field Closed Date is of type Date in an object named Sample
var dt = "{!DAY(TODAY())}";
if (dt < 10){dt = "0"+ dt;}
var mon = "{!MONTH(TODAY())}";
if (mon < 10){mon = "0"+ mon;}
var samp = new sforce.SObject("Sample__c");
samp.ClosedDate__c = "{!YEAR(TODAY())}-"+mon+"-"+dt;
Thank you , It helped me.
You could try below:
1. If today's date
2. If today's + some days
Here I have used now() instead of today() for On-click Javascript button. This will fetch you datetime:
In this, IT_Tracking__c is my custom object. You can replace it with your object.
var track = new sforce.SObject('IT_Tracking__c'); = "{!IT_Tracking__c.Id}";
var startDate = "{!NOW()}";
var sDate = new Date(startDate);
var startDate = sDate.toISOString();
track.start__c = startDate;
var result = sforce.connection.update([track]);
if (result[0].success == 'false') {
else {
The toISOString() function changes the javascript date/time to the format that Saleforce can consume. Here is the documentation on the function (
Using that will save anyone the need to create the separeate functions to transform the data.
I know this is an old post, but I thought I would share my solution all the same. the "DATE_FIELD_ID_HERE" is a placeholder for whatever yoru date field ID is (might seem obvious, but I'm a fan of clarify).