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Adding an Account column to the HTML Email Status Report



We would like to add an Account column to HTML Email Status Reports. Anyone know how to do this?


Presently these mass email reports only contain the contact names of those we emailed. It doesn't include the accounts for which those contacts belong. Should be a simple function but doesn't look available.



Thanks in advance for any suggestions. 



I would like to add Contact Id to this report so that I can filter out all contacts who have read the email.




Amitabh Sharma


Did anyone ever get back to you or did you figure this one out? We need this option as well but I can't figure out how to do it either! I can;t even understand whythe report is so limited in the criteria it shows.


No, unfortunately no one ever got back to me.


If you find a way to do this, please share!



I've written to support for an answer. I'll post as soon as I hear.