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Automate Attaching of PDFs as attachments to Cases

We get in a lot of papers that need to be attached to cases.

We scan them using Paper Port and include their case number within the title.

We manually upload them into the case and then change the case status.

This process takes 70 seconds per case/attachment.


Q1. Is there an app that can automate this process i.e. take the case number (not caseID) and load it as an attachment and change the case status?


Q2. Is there an alternative to Paper Port we could use that will automate this process at point of scanning?


I would be grateful for anyone's help with these questions. Many thanks.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Why not ...You can have all of them.


I do not know if there is ready made in the market place ..


But you can develop a simple Java /.net based utility implementing web service API that will Pick the File , will get the SFDC Id for a Case number and attach the document.


You can call in in a schedule so that it will look in a specific folder in your network.




All Answers


For automated upload of scanned file you can use Data Loader tool , where you need to have the Case Id , and the file location corresponding to the Case in a CSV file (Tabular excel type).


You can see data loader user guide for the same ,available in the documentation.


Thanks and Regards,



Thank Dinesh.


The Apex Data Loader can solve part of the problem in terms of bulk loading.


However, this does creates other jobs:


  1. Creating a csv file, which uses a VLOOKUP or similar to get the CaseID as we only have the Case Number when the attachments come into us.
  2. Manually entering the file locations.

Ideally, I was hoping for a more automated process. e.g. A programme that monitors a folder and file names and creates the CSV for you. Any ideas?




Why not ...You can have all of them.


I do not know if there is ready made in the market place ..


But you can develop a simple Java /.net based utility implementing web service API that will Pick the File , will get the SFDC Id for a Case number and attach the document.


You can call in in a schedule so that it will look in a specific folder in your network.




This was selected as the best answer

Many thanks Dinesh..