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S-Control to display hover text?

Is it possible to create a custom hover info box with the same hover feature provided by SFDC using the API / S-Control?  If there is, what is the code for on mouseover?
Not that this is supported, but the source code for that appears to be something like the following:
<a href="/<record id>" id="lookup<record id>"
 onblur="LookupHoverDetail.getHover('lookup<record id>').hide()"
 onmouseout="LookupHoverDetail.getHover('lookup<record id>').hide()"
 onmouseover="LookupHoverDetail.getHover('lookup<record id>','/<record id>/m?retURL=%2F<current id>&isAjaxRequest=1').show()">
Name of the record
You can't depend on this being true for future releases, though, but it does work in the current release. Also, you need to have included the standard JavaScript libraries or this code will generate "error on page" messages.

~ sfdcfox ~
Sean DaggerSean Dagger

This is something I'm looking for and sounds great.

However, I am new to SalesForce and all this code.  Say I built a custom layout page and want to reference one of the help fields in the standard page layout (ie, email address), how would I capture the id/text in that field to display on the custom page using the sControl?

Many thanks if you can help me resolve this.
