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SOQL Statment - Parent - Child - Parent - Child

I am hoping that someone might be able to help me figure out a SOQL query.


I have four objects:


1. Opportunity

2. OppoPSQLineItem

3. Part_and_Service_Quote

4. Part_and_Service_Quote_Line_Item


OppoPSQLineItem is a junction object that connects Opportunity and Part_and_Service_Quote. Part_and_Service_Quote_Line_Item is a child of Part_and_Service_Quote.


What I am trying to do is display all Part_and_Service_Quote_Line_Item records for each Opportunity.


I know I can do the following to traverse the junction object for Opportunity and Part_and_Service_Quote information:


SELECT opsq.Id, opsq.Name, Opportunity__r.Id, Opportunity__r.Name, Part_and_Service_Quote__r.Id, Part_and_Service_Quote__r.Name
FROM OppPSQLineItem__c opsq


I can not figure out how to alter this statment so that I show Part_and_Service_Quote_Line_Item information (IE Vendor__c, Make__c, Price__c).


I would appreciate any help or suggestions you might have.





Let's try the below piece of code -


Set<Part_and_Service_Quote__c> partSerIds=new Set<Part_and_Service_Quote__r>();

for(OppPSQLineItem__c oppLI: [SELECT Id,Opportunity__r.Id, Part_and_Service_Quote__r.Id from  OppPSQLineItem__c)


 if(oppLI.Opportunity__r.Id != null && oppLI.Part_and_Service_Quote__r.Id != null)




List<Part_and_Service_Quote_Line_Item> allRecords=[select id,IE Vendor__c, Make__c from Part_and_Service_Quote_Line_Item where Part_and_Service_Quote__c IN:partSerIds];


* Red marked field name might be diffrent replace accordingly


Hi Alok,


I really appreciate the response you have provided, it would do exactly what I need if I was using apex.


I need to actually create one SOQL statement. This is to use with Conga Query so that I can import line items into a template with Conga Composer.


Do you know a way to create one SOQL query that will bring back all Part_and_Service_Quote_Line_Items given the schema I am using?