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Created Date or Last modified Date information of the fields through API.
I am looking for an utility which can identify the fields of a given object created or modified during a certain period of time.
For that basically I need to have the Created Date or Last modified Date information of the fields through API. Based on my primary investigation neither the web services API DescribleSObject method nor the MetaData API DescribeMetadataResult Class exposes any such information.
So is there any way to access the Created Date or Last modified by information of any fields externally?
Thanks and Regards,
Dinesh Nasipuri
You can turn on history tracking for certain fields, and then query the *History table to see changes over time for those fields.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply , but my requirement is different.
Say I have on custom Object CAlled Country__c in which I have a custom Field Country Code (Text , length 3) , Now some one chnages the field from Text length 10 .
I need to know WHO and WHEN from out side SFDC application.
Thanks and Regards,
Dinesh Nasipuri
Setup audit trail is the closest to what you're looking for, although i don't know that it has the level of detail you want. Its also not currently API exposed.