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Is there a way to identify unresolved items via the API or Reports?

In my org, managers have support staff who (among other things) clean up their unresolved items.  Since the unresolved items screen can't be shared, I was wondering whether there are any cueues that I could use to identify and display unresolved items in a custom screen.  Anyone have ideas?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I solved my own question, for now, by querying for Tasks where WhoID = null and Subject startsWith "Unresolved Email" -- not perfect, but a pretty good work-around for the time being.

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I think there is no any method to know the unresolved item after cleanup or resolved.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 


I solved my own question, for now, by querying for Tasks where WhoID = null and Subject startsWith "Unresolved Email" -- not perfect, but a pretty good work-around for the time being.

This was selected as the best answer