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nGenx PMnGenx PM 

Leads that look like Accounts

So here is my dilemma;

my organization has been using the "Accounts" as if they were "Leads" and Operations wants this changed. (Guess who gets to make those changes?)

After careful discussions with the Sales Director, I have been able to use rules and workflows for all but one thing...

The SD wants the leads to look more like the Accounts. Allow me to elaborate:

He wants a lead card that looks like an account card with the Company detail and have the contacts listed within the lead. SO... when a Lead is converted, it takes all of the CONTACTS with it and keeps them in standard SalesForce Format for Contacts.

In other words; By converting one LEAD to an ACCOUNT, all the people associated with that LEAD go with instead of having to convert each lead individually.


Any help would be appreciated.

Jia HuJia Hu

Some thoughts for discussion:


1. create a customer object looking like Contact, and create a lookup relation with Lead for this object

2. you have to add a VF page or something else to show the Lead contacts on each Lead page

3. First convert the Lead to Account, and get the new Account ID for each Lead

4. Export all Account ID and Lead contacts by Dataloader

5 revise the Lead contacts to match the Contact object, like set the Account Id

6 Upload the Lead contacts to the Contact object