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Sitaram KulkarniSitaram Kulkarni 

Connecting to salesforce from MS Visio using Datadirect ODBC connection

Need to get the data model of salesforce in MS Visio.

Created ODBC connection using Datadirect ODBC connection.

Using this ODBC connection in MS Excel, I was able to connect and import a table from Salesforce.

But I am not able to connect to Salesforce through Visio.


It throws Error

[Datadirect ][ODBC Salesforce driver] [Salesforce] File input/output error: <Databasename>.log 


I have tried both User DSN and System DSN in ODBC admistrator.

When using System DSN it throws error

Database is in use. Operation cannot be completed.


I am using 64-bit operating system. but the ODBC driver, MS office applications everything is in 32-bit.

Nazeer AhamedNazeer Ahamed

I dont see as of today, we can connect SFDC through Visio and export data model to visio.


To get ERD, we can use Salesforce standard schema builder (Setup - App Setup - Schema Builder) or ERD AppExchnage tool


If you are successful to export Data model to Visio directly then it could save lot of time for all SFDC folks :)


Once upon a time, before there was an ERD tool built into SFDC, I used a tool similar to DBAmp to export the SFDC database to SQL Server, and then used the ODBC connection from Visio to SQL Server, which worked great.


Just a thought,


Sounds like Visio was not started as administrator based on the error.  You should contact DataDirect if there are further questions.