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Pink TacoPink Taco 

Showing blank value in reports while creating dashboard.!

After created the reports, why there are still accounts that show Blank value as Manager on dashboard. I just want to know about that. 


As how Manager is populated there coz as I know an account is assigned an account owner and the manager is only known as this is the immediate manager from the User record....!


Please let me know about this case.!!!

Jeff MayJeff May

In Reporting, records that have entry will show up (usually with a - in the report).  One way it can be empty is if the User who is the Owner of the Account does not have a Manager set in their User record.  

Pink TacoPink Taco

Actually, I have 2 reports with same data. In first one, it is showing the data with managers with account name. But in second, its not showing the users and data properly. We have assignd the managers to all.

The visit count in the ASD visit report is not tallying with the actual number of entries which XYZ have done.!


Can you tell me how to check that if we have check the dissimilarity in ASD and XYZ report with same data in report stored which is not showing in report.

Jeff MayJeff May

That helps, if you have another report so you have something to compare against.  Check to make sure both reports are reporting on the same report type (which means the objects it uses).  If you Customize the report, you'll see the Report Type in the upper left corner.  If these are the same, check the data ranges and filters for each report (you can Save As to create new reports so you don't mess up your originals.  If you remove all filters and date ranges, does the right data show up?

Pink TacoPink Taco

If you don't mins can i share with you the data through teamviewer.