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How to get the User timezone in S-Control
can u please tell me how to retrieve the User timezone in s-control?
var user = sforce.connection.getUserInfo();
alert("your timezone is: " + user.userTimeZone);
if i give like that i got the time zone like this America/Chicago.
but i want the complete time zone like
(GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time (America/Chicago)
Please help me how to get this.
All Answers
There are 2 solutions
First one, do a describeSObjects() for the User object and analyse the picklist values for the field TimeZoneSidKey. You will get all values allowing you to match the master and displayed value (what you were retrieving is the master value)
The second solution (the simplest one) is to do a simple SOQL query :
select tolabel(TimeZoneSidKey) from user where id='00520000000xxxxxxx' limit 1