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Accessing value from subquery in AJAX

I have an S-Control that is failing. Assuming that my query is this:


SELECT id, lastname, FROM contact, contact.account


and that I have already gotten access to the id and lastname fields using contacts = queryResult.getArray('records'); and id = contacst[i].Id, how do I access the field? I assumed that contacts[i].Account.Name would do it, but of course it doesn't.











Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hey XXX (triple x?),


I think you have the correct syntax.  The docs agree at least.  Are you getting an error or is there some other way that you are detecting that it's not working properly?


From the docs:



var result = sforce.connection.query("SELECT c.Id, c.firstname, " +
"c.lastname, c.leadsource, a.Id,, a.industry, c.accountId " +
"FROM Contact c, c.account a ORDER BY leadsource LIMIT 10");

var it = new sforce.QueryResultIterator(result);

while(it.hasNext()) {
var record =;
var accountName = record.Account ? record.Account.Name : null;

log( record.FirstName + " " + record.LastName +
" in account " + accountName);




All Answers


Hey XXX (triple x?),


I think you have the correct syntax.  The docs agree at least.  Are you getting an error or is there some other way that you are detecting that it's not working properly?


From the docs:



var result = sforce.connection.query("SELECT c.Id, c.firstname, " +
"c.lastname, c.leadsource, a.Id,, a.industry, c.accountId " +
"FROM Contact c, c.account a ORDER BY leadsource LIMIT 10");

var it = new sforce.QueryResultIterator(result);

while(it.hasNext()) {
var record =;
var accountName = record.Account ? record.Account.Name : null;

log( record.FirstName + " " + record.LastName +
" in account " + accountName);




This was selected as the best answer

Yeah, my choice of nickname is unfortunate. There's a bug in the registration page, and once I finally around that bug and got registered, I found out there's another bug in the change-your-nickname page. I reported both bugs last year but nothing happened, so now I go by Triple-X ... at least it's easy to pick out my posts on the front page :)


That worked great, thanks!

