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Issues installing Salesforce for Twitter 2
We're getting the following when trying to install the new update that was released today. I actually went in and reduced the number of fields with the External ID checkbox to 2, and it still fails to install. We have one field marked as External ID, and another that was added by a managed package. We need them both. We actually don't even want the integration with the Contact object, but we can't get the install without that.
Recommendations anyone?
Your request to install package "Salesforce for Twitter R2.35 2010.07.15" was unsuccessful. None of the data or setup information in your organization was affected.
If your install continues to fail, contact Salesforce CRM Support through your normal channels and provide the following information.
Organization: ()
User: ()
Package: Salesforce for Twitter (04tA00000005b1PIAQ)
1. () reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields
Contact.Twitter_User_Id__c: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields
Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "00DS00000005xy8: VALIDATION_FAILED [: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields: Contact.Twitter_User_Id__c: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields]".
If your install continues to fail, contact Salesforce CRM Support through your normal channels and provide the following information.
Organization: ()
User: ()
Package: Salesforce for Twitter (04tA00000005b1PIAQ)
1. () reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields
Contact.Twitter_User_Id__c: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields
Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "00DS00000005xy8: VALIDATION_FAILED [: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields: Contact.Twitter_User_Id__c: reached maximum number of indexes allowed for custom fields]".
Just a quick note for other users: This was solved by contacting Support, and having them increase the number of allowed External ID's in the org, correct?
well, there was a disconnect on their end regarding final confirmation that it was actually done, but, I did contact them, and it did install after the 3rd or 4th time I asked for a status update. :)
I'm getting the same error message, but am not sure who supports this. To whom did you reach out and get help for this installation and how long did it take to get a response/resolve the issue?
contact support to have the number of custom indexes increased on Lead and Contact (and Case if you have 3 on that one already too).
Is there a cost associated with the increase, or is it free? Did you reach out to your SalesForce support person? I'm not sure who mine is.
i don't think there is a cost involved, at least not in EE or UE. i just opened a ticket via Help & Training.
Hi Phillip,
They should be able to increase it for free. Send me an email at if they give you any trouble about it, and I'll help you out :)
- Lauren
Thank you so much Lauren! :smileyhappy:
I submitted a ticket an hour or two ago. If you're able to help me directly, though, I'd appreciate it.