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Custom Quote Sync (Managed)

Who has experience with this app? I am using it to sychronize opportunity product custom fields with quote item custom fields. It works fine however I as soon as the custom fields work with default values, validation rules, workflows I get error messages...  Can anybody help? - Thanks in advance. Reto


Reto, unforetunatley I cannot help with your problem but I was hoping you could help with mine.  I am trying to implement this App and keep receiving the following error:


Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger quotesync.OppLineSyncTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: quotesync.OppLineSyncTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.QueryException: No such column 'opportunitylineitem_size_yards__c' on entity 'OpportunityLineItem'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.: (quotesync)
Did you have this same problem?  Any ideas on how to correct it.  I keep thinking it's my API but I check it and it appears fine.
Any advice would be appreciated.



When does this happen... when installing the app? or when doing the synch between quotes and opps? Reto


It occurs during attempted synchronization.  Adrian.


Is there anything special about the field opportunitylineitem_size_yards__c? I.e. is it madatory? subject of a validation rule? does it use default values? is it used in a workflow? ...  Reto


Can u guys email me ur org id at, I can check the setuo in your org.  thx


Thank you for your replies.  I figured it out.  I was using incorrect API.  For example, in name I was using opportunitylineitem_custom_field__c, when I only had to use custom_filed__c.


I appended the API correctly and was able to sync a field from the OppLineItem and QuoteLineItem...


But whenever I try to ht the "Stop Sync" on the quote, it errors:


"Apex trigger quotesync.QuoteSyncTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: quotesync.QuoteSyncTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate

caused by: System.QueryException: No such column 'delivery__c' on entity 'Quote'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.: (quotesync)"


The fields aren't tied to any workflows, approvals, default values, or formulas. Just straight text fields (255 char. max)


I look forward to solving this problem as this sync is a must have! 


Question:  Does the mapping "pause" when a quote is not currently being Synced?




I don't have an answer reading your post from Dec 28th, but something strikes me...


You say you synch a field from "OppLineItem and QuoteLineItem"...  However, the error message says "... No such column 'delivery__c' on entity 'Quote'...".


In other words, you talk about "QuoteLineItem"... the error message mentions "entity Quote" (and not QuoteLineItem).


Are you sure that in Custom Setting Definition you used the QuoteLineItem Sync Fields (not the Quote Synch Fields) ?


FYI: I noticed that Sfdc's standard Quote-Opportunity Synch does not include the standard field "description" of the product line item and the quote line item. Therefore I added the standard description fields of the product and quote line items into the QuoteLineItem Synch fields and it works!








hi smartrms2,


I fixed it. Was my fault completely. I misinterpreted the sync settings in the beginning thinking i had to repeat the same sync in the two steps of the directions. I won't try to articulate this any better because I'll probably just confuse others!


It's working perfectly for me now :)


Thank you!


I'm finding some very troubling issues.


I've been using the Quote Sync tool for some time now and really like it.

But I just ran into some significant bugs.

1) Creating a new Quote. Some data is being changed in one of my custom text fields.

It's basically like this:

On products page
Line Item 1   Custom Text 1
Line Item 2  Custom Text 2

Then I hit create quote.

Quote Line Items
Line Item 1   Custom Text 2
Line Item 2  Custom Text 1 (or 2 sometimes?! still trying to figure out in troubleshooting).

There's a few other bugs and I'm not sure what might be SFDC or the custom sync tool.

Has anyone reported this issue before? If you'd like to see a screen share I would be more than happy to show you.

Thanks very much,




I can't help you with your issue (I saw the video) but I want to confirm that using Custom Quote Sync (Managed) the mapping of the following fields is working properly:


1. custom number fields

2. custom pick lists

3. standard description field (note: the standard discription field between product line item and quote line item doesn't synch by using the standard synch functionality, however, you can synch these two fields via Custom Quote Sync (Managed).



Rakesh BoddepalliRakesh Boddepalli

Hi , 


I had installed this package in our org, but reciving the below error when trying to create the Opportunity.

Please suggest.


19:20:59.061 (3061464000)|ENTERING_MANAGED_PKG|quotesync
19:20:59.062 (3062749000)|DML_END|[43]
19:20:59.062 (3062876000)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[43]|System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 006J0000003FpY3IAK; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, quotesync.OppSyncTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate



Was recieving this error when trying to sync quote:


caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0QLD0000003yRSNOA2; first error: INVALID_OPERATION, Attempted to sync object 00kD000000OkR7x which was previously synced in this transaction: []: (quotesync)


This was resloved by changing the order of the QuoteLineItems using the 'Sort' button. I think there is an issue here that needs to be resolved/looked into, as I have seen on a few discussion boards this has been a problem for a few users.


Any more info on this would be grand





Sarah VernonSarah Vernon
We are receiving the same error message as the above when trying to sync quote using the Unmanaged version of this app. 

Tried to change the order of quote line items using Sort but was not resolved.

Does anyone have information that would help us resolve?!!

We are using Big Machines Express to select products - not sure if this plays a role. 

common.apex.runtime.TriggerExecutionException: Apex trigger OppLineSyncTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: OppLineSyncTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate

caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0QLf0000000EnzMGAS; first error: INVALID_OPERATION, Attempted to sync object 00kf0000004mio3 which was previously synced in this transaction: []: Trigger.OppLineSyncTrigger: line 180, column 1
I found the problem for everyone's reference: The QuoteLineSyncTrigger fires when changes are made to QLI. Then, when OLIs are inserted/updated, if a WF Rule is firing with a field update, it will cause the OppLineSyncTrigger to fire, sending updates back to the corresponding QLI. That will cause the QuoteSyncTrigger to be evaluated again, so if it happens before the transaction has finished, it says "Hey, wait a minute, we just messed with this QLI Id, and we're not messing with it again in the same transaction"

We are seeing some odd behavior that just recently appeared in the past couple of weeks.  We have a scenario where once the start sync button is pressed, it's overwriting any products of the same type with the same custom field values.  Basically it's this scenario:

1.  Create opportunity with multiple products of the same type:

On products page:
Line Item 1  Product Name 1 Custom Text 1
Line Item 2  Product Name 1 Custom Text 2
Line Item 3  Product Name 2 Custom Text 1
Line Item 4  Product Name 2 Custom Text 2

2.  Create the quote

On the quote line items page:
Line Item 1  Product Name 1 Custom Text 1
Line Item 2  Product Name 1 Custom Text 2
Line Item 3  Product Name 2 Custom Text 1
Line Item 4  Product Name 2 Custom Text 2

Everything is correct so far.

3.  Now press the start sync button, on the products page we get this:
Line Item 1  Product Name 1 Custom Text 1
Line Item 2  Product Name 1 Custom Text 1
Line Item 3  Product Name 2 Custom Text 1
Line Item 4  Product Name 2 Custom Text 1

or this
Line Item 1  Product Name 1 Custom Text 2
Line Item 2  Product Name 1 Custom Text 2
Line Item 3  Product Name 2 Custom Text 2
Line Item 4  Product Name 2 Custom Text 2

but the quote line items has this:
On the quote line items page:
Line Item 1  Product Name 1 Custom Text 1
Line Item 2  Product Name 1 Custom Text 2
Line Item 3  Product Name 2 Custom Text 1
Line Item 4  Product Name 2 Custom Text 2

This appears to only affect if the same product is used for different line items.  Any ideas?

Hey @JonTresko,

I am facing the same Issue. Can you help me how to resolve the issue?

Bailey RuddBailey Rudd

Is there a workaround for this? I have a field update process that is creating this issue you mentioned
Mitesh SuraMitesh Sura
I understand this is old thread, but may help someone looking for the cause. For us the issue was syncing quote with opportunity that have "schedule line items". Opportunity with line items that do not have any scheduling worked just fine. There was no app or any trigger, just basic sync just won;t work. 
Jeff SusichJeff Susich
This is a very handy app, but what I am finding is that it is working fine in Classic, but it does not map the Opportunity Line Item fields to the Quote Line Item fields in Lightning. Even though the app is "Lightning Ready", it's not working. Is there another app out there that can do what this does?