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Salesforce For Facebook and Twitter Installation Issue
Trying to install Salesforce For Facebook & Twitter into Full-Data Sandbox environment, but following issue encountered:
Note: All Validation Rules have been made in-active, all workflow rules are in-active.
Have previously installed the package successfully in other sandbox environments without problem.
Your request to install package "Salesforce for Social Media R 4.2.2 2011.05.11" was unsuccessful. None of the data or setup information in your organization was affected.
If your install continues to fail, contact Salesforce CRM Support through your normal channels and provide the following information.
Package: Salesforce for Social Media (04tA0000000EstHIAS)
1. Apex Classes(01p20000000Edbw) testtriggers.testTwitterTestTriggerOnBeforeInsertUpdate()System.AssertException: Assertion Failed(sf4twitter)External entry point
Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "00DP00000008s9N: APEX_TEST_FAILED [01p20000000Edbw: testtriggers.testTwitterTestTriggerOnBeforeInsertUpdate(): System.AssertException: Assertion Failed(sf4twitter)External entry point]".
Did you check the box "ignore apex errors"?
No, I did not check the box "ignore apex errors" because I have to deploy more code after this installation.
The subsequent deployment will re-run ALL test classes and I will encounter the same issue again.
This problem only occurs in a Full-Data sandbox, not in a Developer or Config-Only sandbox.
Hi ibash. Not sure what's up from the description.. Can you forward me an email with the full error set, and your orgID, please? I'll have the team take a look. I'm at lingram at
- Lauren
Thanks Lauren, have emailed details to you, much appreciated.