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AJ yorkshireAJ yorkshire 

Account custom field update

I have an S-Control that pulls in fields from account, to calculate an overall value. Everything is working fine except the returning the value calulated been inserted back into salesforce.
I have used document.write to show all my variables are correct. ready to be inserted back to the account.
However, I am haing trouble with how to send the value into the account 
Var AcctId; //the account id
I have the variable x //my calculated field
and the field name Total overall value; //field in account
I am looking for some help or explanation how to return the var x, into the field "Total overall value" of the accout "AcctID";
Any help would be most grateful.AJ
AJ yorkshireAJ yorkshire
I solved my problem in case anyone else was having trouble heres the result:
I declared updateObject and gave a value before this code: 
function update{
var newAcc = new Sforce.Dynabean("Account");
var AccArray = new Array(1);
newAcc.set("Id", accId);
AccArray[0] = newAcc;

var cr = sforceClient.Update(AccArray);
Account = cr[0].id;
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