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Related lists and Look up fields

Is there any way (or will there be in the next release) to have a related list display field values of another object?


I have a custom object called "Campaign Component" - it has two fields - one field is a lookup to a Campaign and the other field is a lookup to another custom object called "Marketing Component".  So, you can see that my Campaign Component object acts as a many-to-many linkage between Campaigns and Marketing Components.   In the Campaigns tab, there is a related list for the Campaign Component object, but all I can display in the list is the Marketing Component name (and other Campaign Component fields if I wish).  Since the Campaign Component object is directly linked to a Marketing Component, will it be possible (in some future release) to display Marketing Component field values in the Campaign Component related list?

Thank you,


AJ yorkshireAJ yorkshire
You can change the name of the reated list now. Its just a long way around. Delete the relationship to the object you made and rename the custom object your using as the link (to what you want the related list to be called), then rebuild the relationship, and it has the new name, then rename the object back to its original name and the relation list stays as it was. (note: if you want to change the name of the object to the name of another object, you must first change the other objects name aswell, so you dont have 2 objects the same)

I know this sounds a bit ruff but im not very good at explaining things. Theres a link in the help section of that explains the same thing il paste it below. Might be more clear.

It is possible to create many-to-many relationships between any two objects in To accomplish this you will need to create a connector custom object that has a relationship to your two primary objects. This connector will be used as an intersection table. To do this, follow the steps listed below.

1. Create the connector custom object, changing the Name field to an Auto Number format.

2. Create a relationship from the connector to one of the two primary objects.

3. Create a relationship from the connector to the other primary object.

4. Customize the related list on the first primary object relationship by changing the name of the related list to the name of the second primary object. To do this:


Setup | Customforce | Extend

Click on the name of the connector object. Edit both of the related lists and change the related list label to the name of the "other" object. (Step 5)

For example, If creating a many-to-many relationship between "Opportunities" and a custom object called "Production Orders": on the relationship with Opportunities change the related list name to "Production Orders". On the relationship with "Production Orders" change the related list name to "Opportunities"

Remove the auto number field and add the second primary object's name field. This is done from the page layouts:

a. Setup | Customforce | Opportunities | Page Layouts | Edit
b. Scroll down to the related lists section.
c. Highlight the "Production Orders" list.
d. Click "Edit Related List Properties".
e. Remove the autonumber field from the list of selected field.
f. Add the second primary object's name field to the list of selected objects.
g. Click ok and save.

5. Repeat this for the other primary object (e.g. Production Orders).

Note to change the related list on a custom object page layout choose:

a. Setup | Extend | Custom Objects.
b. Click on the object name.
c. Scroll down to the Page Layout list and click "Edit" beside the page layout name.
d. Remove the auto number field as before and add in the name of the other primary object.
e. Click ok and save.
AJ yorkshireAJ yorkshire
Sorry ive replied to a different message before, woop, i have a link now that uses a many tomany relationship using a custom field in the middle to join them, and in both of the objects connected to the link objects, i have removed the link to the link object and replaced it with the link to the other object, so it looks like the link doesnt exist, as for pulling individual fields its not possible yet. Maybe in the future.