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Pistol DPistol D 

Custom Button to update multiple records and multiple fields in an Opportunity List View


I am looking for a way to update a large number of opportunity records at once from a list view. I specifically need to update the following fields:


Native SF Fields:

amount, stage


Custom Fields:

accounting stage, payment received, transaction number


We need this funcitonality because a number of opportunities are included on each invoice, so we need to update them all once we have sent the invoice, received payment etc. The goal is to select the items from a list view and then hit an 'Update' button that will prompt us to update the fields above with the new values.


I am experienced with Salesforce, but my code writing skills are minimal to subpar at best. I am thankful for any help or suggestions you may have.



Hi There,

If you are doing it from the related list, then you can add a custom button "Update". On clicking which, you can call an S-Control/VF page which will fetch all the selected ID's from the related list. Then you can query for these records and update them as required. In the end, you can re-direct the user to whichever page you want to!

In case, you want to build a custom page from where you want to do this update, then you can create a VF page and write the same logic there using a Wrapper Class!


Naveed AnwarNaveed Anwar



Im Created a Custom Button on All Account Salesforce Page. i want to get selected records (ids) on click of this custom button and transfer those ids or records to the VF Page where user can fill a form and Save some data against those Accounts Id's ...


There is no related list of VF page. Please help ASAP...



