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REG: Problem in retireving the parent Id in Javascript on Detail Page Button



I have created a Detail Page Button Child__c object. For that I was using an Onclick javascript.


In that javascript I have given:


var ParentId = "{!Child__c.Parent__c}"; //where Parent__c is the lookup to the Parent__c object



Alert prints the Parent Record "Name" where I was expecting the "ID". Why it is taking the Name? How to retrieve the Id without querying the object?


Please help me...




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Rahul SharmaRahul Sharma

Check this:


var ParentId = "{!Child__c.ParentId__c}"; //where Parent__c is the lookup to the Parent__c object



All Answers

Rahul SharmaRahul Sharma

Check this:


var ParentId = "{!Child__c.ParentId__c}"; //where Parent__c is the lookup to the Parent__c object



This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Rahul.. It has worked...



But what happens if I have ParentId__c(of type text suppose) also as a field in the Child__c object? Then how to retrieve the ParentId__c field





Rahul SharmaRahul Sharma

Hi Shravan,

Glad to know its resolved..

If you have a Text field with same name, Still it will show give the Id of Lookup Field instead of the value of Text field.

That means Id will overide the Text Field!