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Action Plan Tasks assign to Object Owners Manager?

I see how we're able to assign the Task to either the active User or the record's owner (though would be nice if that could be determined on the fly for each task instead of as a global all-or-nothing setting)... However, it would be great if there was a way to assign a task to the record owner's MANAGER as a variable.



- Leave blank assigns to the user creating the action plan on the record.

- Use a variable or some other option to be able to assign the task to the "OWNER"

- Use a variable or osme other option to be able to assign the task to the "MANAGER"


Though not specific to Action Plans, it would be great if SFDC in general allowed us to assign Tasks to a Queue...


But one use case is we sometimes have Interns or Customer Service reps doing follow-up into Accounts that are owned by a Sales Rep... so we want the tasks they create assigned to themselves...  In other cases, we want to assign certain tasks to the Owner, etc...  More control over this would be great.


e.g. Task "2 week follow-up" assign to the record owner, dependent task "4 week follow-up" assigned to the owner's Manager, dependent task "6 week follow-up" assigned to Customer Service.


These are great ideas.  Have you taken a look at the code?  Have you thought about implementing them?  Action Plans is fully open source and availabe on Github.  I'm sure many people would benefit from your shared work.



Unfortunately, I'm not a developer... More of a "Power User"/Admin but no coding experience... Came here because the AppExchange said to seek support from the Community, so here I am... Was kind of hoping someone else had already thought of this and had the code to do it, or that I could at least pass the idea to Labs to build it into a future version.